ASP #4 Ideas about the Main Character

In John Knowles novel A Separate Peace, there are two main characters in the book. They are Gene and Finny. Gene is likable  and very dis-likable and times. Gene is very proper and intelligent, but at the same time, he is a young man with guy actions. One thing I like about Gene is that he is striving to be the valedictorian of his class. I like his determination on this goal, I just do not like his motives for accomplishing this goal. He wants to be better or equal to Finny. That’s why he wants to be valedictorian. Gene is very envious of Finny. Gene is very smart, but very envious. He does not live up to his own standards, but he tries to impress or beat people who are better than him. He wants to be accepted by society.

Finny is a risk taker. Why would you be a person who lets life pass right in front of your eyes? There is no fun in that. The reason I like Finny is because, I see myself in him, just not academically. Finny lives life to the fullest. He has fun, and he enjoys tricking people into doing stupid things. Finny is an athlete. Even at a young age, Finny was the best athlete at Devon. He is a hard worker. One thing I do not like about Finny is his academics. Finny is a poor student. He rarely puts the time in to study for exams, or even get help from the teacher or other students. I also dislike his opinion about the war. He does not face reality when reality needs to be faced. Finny lives life like a little kid. He has no worries and, he just goes with the flow.


Por and Para Project

Hey I am Slaton. My project is explaining how to use por and para in sentences. There are some pictures that go along with the sentences, and there is a video covering por and para. I enjoyed this project, because I had the opportunity to learn por and para while using technology.

Los gustos y disgustos de Hayley.

  A Hayley le gusta tocar en la banda. A ella le gusta comer las galletas. Tambien le gusta pasar teimpo con Molly. A Hayley le gusta ir al cine los domingo. A Hayley le gusta tocar guitiarra a veces. A ella le disgusta jugar a los deportes todos las dias. A ella le disgusta comer los esparragos. A Hayley le disgusta beber los refrescos.

Mis Gustos!!!

In this project, I wrote seven gustar sentences. I also wrote two introduction sentences, and one conclusion sentence. I enjoyed this project, because it was a grade saver.It helped me learn how to use gustar correctly. I now know where to put the pronouns, and when to use a phrase of clarification.


A Reflection over Travel Across America

I liked some of the project and some not so much. I liked it when we had all three of our parteners, but when one left I had to pick up his slack. We learned how to write a buisness letter and how to hyperlink. The hyperlinking was cool. I liked doing everything except Michael’s part and Brett’s spreadsheet. I enjoyed the whole project because I was with friends and I learned alot.